Microsoft launches IE 8
IE 8 is moving out of beta.The final version will be available now. IE 8 new browser is packed with new features and improved security features.You should try to use the new browser. I ever had many problems with IE 7 before. Actually I use all sort of browsers except IE 7 since it takes so much time to browse.Microsoft is likely to promote IE8's security features, which include anti-phishing, some defence against attempts at malware installation, a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) filter, Domain Highlighting and Data Execution Detection (DEP). Microsoft says IE 8 offers the best security protections among leading browsers.Microsoft-sponsored research, IE8 RC1 was 69% effective at stopping malware before it did any damage, ahead of Firefox 3.07 (30%), Safari 3 (24%) and Chrome (16%).IE8's speed is likely to stimulate debate. I'm sure that it's certainly faster than IE6 and IE7, and it feels snappier than Firefox. But it may not be faster than newer browsers that don't have as many features and add-ons, such as Google's Chrome and Apple's Safari.
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Here are the overview of IE 8
1) Faster IE 8 is more responsive with new pages and tabs, opening up fast and reliably. You can now get to the information you care about most, in fewer steps; one click access to your webmail, favorite news sites or other online services.
2) Easier Reduce the steps to accomplish many common tasks, and automate your access to real time information updates. You can keep track of your favorite sports team, news, weather with a single click.
3) More Private Helps protect your privacy and confidential information where ever you go on the web.
4) More Secure Helps protect and stop malicious software from reaching your PC, and makes it easier to detect when a website is an imposter.
So,I would like to recommand my friends to use IE 8 to make your web better,faster,easier and safe.
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